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摊销= 将贷款支付应用于本金的过程, 或借的金额, 还有贷款的利息,按照固定的时间表.

年费= 信用卡公司对使用信用卡收取的费用.

年利率(APR) = 财务费用或每年使用信贷的总费用, 按贷款额的百分比计算(百分比利率), 包括利息, 交易费用, 还有服务费.

年收益率(APY) = The actual interest rate an account pays per year with compounding included; calculated the same way by all banks/信贷 unions.

升值= 价值或价格的上涨.

资产= 一个人拥有的东西,比如现金、股票、债券、房地产和个人财产.

自动柜员机(ATM An electronic machine that bank customers and 信贷 union members can use to withdraw cash and make financial transactions.

后端负载= 出售投资产品时支付的销售费用.

诱饵交换= An illegal sales technique in which sells advertise a product with the intention of persuading customers to buy a more expensive product.

银行= A for-profit company that is owned by its stockholders and provides saving and checking accounts and other financial services to its customers.

破产= 出售债务人大部分财产以帮助偿还无法偿还的债务的法律程序, in exchange for (a) relieving debtors of the responsibility of paying their financial obligations or (b) protecting them while a plan is created and they try to repay debts.

债券= A formal agreement where you lend 钱 to a borrower who can then use that 钱 for a set period of time. 作为交换,你作为贷款人将获得一定数额的利息.

借款人= 一个人, 接受和使用属于别人的东西的企业或政府, 有归还或偿还的意图——通常在借钱的情况下还有利息

预算= 管理金钱的计划, dividing up expected income and expenses among spending and saving options based on personal goals during a given time period.

能力= Ability to repay a loan from present income; one of three factors in 信贷 scoring.

资本= 个人财产一个人拥有的个人物品的价值, 包括储蓄, 投资, 和财产, 信用评分中使用的三个因素之一.

资本利得= The difference between the purchase price and the selling price when an investor buys a sock and later sells it at a higher price.

资本损失= 当投资者最终以低于买入价的价格卖出股票时的差价.

现金流量= 你收到的钱和你花的钱的运动.

存单(CD) = 存单银行发给在一定时期内将钱存入账户的人的证明. 从大多数定期存单账户提前提款要收取罚金.

性格= Refers to trustworthiness; one of three factors in 信贷 scoring (e.g.(按时支付账单显示了财务责任). 信誉表明对履行协议负责任的态度.

检查= 指示银行或信用合作社向个人或企业支付特定金额的书面命令.

支票帐户= 可以通过写支票取款的银行或信用合作社账户.

复利= a situation in which interest is 赚ed on previously 赚ed interest in such a way that 赚ings accumulate more rapidly over time

复利,或复利,72法则= 在利息上赚取利息. 72法则——货币价值翻倍需要多长时间. 用72除以利息,就能算出钱翻倍所需的年数.

消费者权益保护者 =积极促进消费者对健康和安全等领域的兴趣的个人或团体, 教育, 纠正, 真实的广告, 市场公平, 环境保护.

成本/收益分析,风险/回报关系= Tool used to choose among alternatives involves weighing the cost of a product or service against the 好处 it will provide.

覆盖范围= 如果你提出索赔,保险公司将支付的最高金额.

信贷= 一个债权人愿意借给另一个人购买商品和服务的金额, 基于信任和期望,这笔钱会像承诺的那样连本带利地偿还.

信用卡= 持卡人可以刷卡购物或取钱, often with interest; synonymous with “buy now, 支付后.”

信用额度= 贷款人将向客户提供的最高信用额度.

信誉= 还贷能力:衡量一个人偿还贷款能力和意愿的尺度.

信用等级/分数= 一种基于对消费者财务历史分析的信用衡量标准, 通常以数字形式计算的, 使用FICO或其他评分系统来分析消费者的信用. 债权人对一个人还债的意愿和能力的评估,通过性格来判断, 能力, and capital; a mathematical model used by lenders to predict the likelihood that bills will be paid as promised.

信用报告= 信用记录由信用机构收集的跟踪借款人信用支付情况的书面记录, 这些款项是否及时支付, 以及借款人拥有各种信用账户的时间

信用社= A financial institution owned by its members that provides savings and checking accounts and other services to its membership at low fees.

借记卡= A card used to pay for goods and services directly from a checking account by transferring funds electronically from one’s checking account to the store’s account to pay for a purchase; also called check cards.

债务= 欠债主的全部款项.

免赔额= The amount of a loss you must pay out of your own pocket before the insurance company will step in and pay the rest.

延迟的满足= 愿意放弃你现在想要的东西,以便在未来得到更好的东西.

折旧= 产品价值的下降,从产品被购买的那一刻开始(汽车).

多元化= 在不同类型的投资中分配资金,以最大限度地降低整体风险.

股息= 分红:支付给公司股东的那部分利润.

平均成本 定期将固定金额投资于同一项投资的做法, 不管股市走势如何.

赚取的利息= 你允许金融机构或公司使用你的钱而得到的报酬.

员工福利= 雇主提供的工资以外的额外福利(例如:工资).g.健康保险或养恤金计划).

支持= 在支票背面签名,使支票可支付给指定的收款人.

费用= 花在买东西或做某事上的一笔钱.

财务计划,财务计划= 个人财务规划是(1)设定目标的过程, (b)制定实现这些目标的计划, (c)将计划付诸实施. Ongoing thinking process to develop an orderly program or blueprint for handling all aspects of one’s 钱, 包括支出, 信贷, 储蓄与投资.

FICO分数= 一种数学模型,用来评估一个人偿还借款的可靠性

财务费用= 对未付的信用余额支付的利息

金融机构= 帮助资金从储蓄者流向借款人的中介机构

金融知识= 基本财务知识, 包括对银行和银行体系的了解, 金融市场, 信用卡和信用卡, 还有税法, 以及运用这些知识来决定如何消费的能力, 赚, 或者今天存钱为明天积累财富

固定的费用 = 每次花费相同的费用.

欺诈= 故意歪曲信息,意图欺骗或误导.

前端负载 = 在购买投资产品时支付的销售费用,有时在股息再投资时支付.

宽限期= 用信用卡付款, 在你开始积累未付余额的利息之前的时间长度.

总收入= 扣除工资之前的工资收入总额.

高投球= 以旧换新的汽车报价过高.

身份盗窃= 当别人提到你的名字时, 社会安全号码, 信用卡号, 和其他个人信息,未经您的允许.

默示保证= Unwritten guarantee that a product is of sufficient quality to fulfill the purpose for which it was designed.

冲动购买= 一时兴起的购买行为,没有经过任何决策过程.

收入= 个人收到的任何款项.


保险 =限制因疾病造成的经济损失的风险管理工具, 受伤, 或者用损害换取保护和帮助的承诺.

保险费= 个人向保险公司支付的款项,以换取保险公司的保护和帮助承诺.

分期付款计划= 为特定产品(如家具或电器)提供的封闭式贷款

利息= Payment for use of someone else’s 钱; usually expressed as an annual rate in terms of a percent of the principal (the amount owed).

投资= 为将来的收入而存钱, 好处, or profit to meet long-term goal; using savings to 赚 a financial return.

滞纳金= 逾期付款对所有类型的信贷的罚款.

银行= one who lends; may be 一个人, a business or a government

负债= 一个人欠的金额,如未付的账单、信用卡费用、个人贷款和税收.

流动性= 资产可以轻易地转换为现金而不会造成严重损失.

高利贷者= 收取非法高利率的无证放贷人.

贷款期限= 你偿还贷款的时间长度.

最低付款额= 在一个固定期限的信用帐户中,每个人每月需要支付的最小金额

货币市场帐户= 一种提供有限支票签发特权的有息账户. Deposits may be added at any time; some 钱 market accounts limit the withdrawals depositors may make without paying a penalty. Money market accounts are low-risk 投资 that serve as a cross between saving and checking accounts. 银行系统内提供的货币市场账户被称为货币市场存款账户. 共同基金提供的货币市场账户被称为货币市场共同基金.

汇票= a form of payment that a person can buy for a specific amount and sign over to the person or firm named on the 钱 order. 人们必须付费才能获得汇票. 汇款单不能退票,因为在汇款单发出之前需要全额付款.

抵押贷款= 贷款购买房地产,如土地或房屋.

共同基金= 一种投资证券,实际上是一种多元化的股票投资组合, 债券, 或者其他证券. 投资者购买股票并可以随时出售.

净收入= Also called “take-home pay”; it’s the amount of income left after payroll deductions.

净资产= 一个人的资产和负债之间的差额.

开放式信贷= a form of 信贷 that allows a person to borrow funds to make purchases for which there is no predetermined repayment period

机会成本= 无论何时做出选择, 为获得某物而必须放弃的东西所付出的代价. 用于满足一个目标而不能用于另一个目标的资源.e., weighing of one alternative against another rather than merely considering the cash price or value of a specific good or service.

发起费= 设立贷款的费用,通常与住房贷款有关.

工资扣除= Amounts subtracted from gross income that are withheld by an employer for items such as taxes and employee 好处s.

首先支付自己(PYF) = 有纪律的储蓄或把钱作为预算的常规部分,以备以后的消费或投资.

个人识别号码(PIN) = 你用来进入你的储蓄和/或支票账户的唯一密码.

慈善事业= 帮助他人的个人或团体的兴趣, 尤其是通过捐赠给慈善机构或捐赠给机构.

网络钓鱼= An identity theft tool that appears in the form of an E-mail or pop-up message; usually looks like it’s from a legitimate financial institution and prompts you to provide your personal information in order to fix a “problem” with your account.

Points-mortgage = A one-time service charge by mortgage lenders at closing to increase the return on the loan; each point is one percent to the amount of the principal.

掠夺性贷款= Lending practices which promise loans that are “too good to be true” and pressure borrowers to take loans on the spot. 贷款行为包括各种各样的财务滥用,比如过高的费用, 对提前偿还贷款的处罚, 气球付款, 贷款翻, 高利率, 借款人无力支付的月供, 未经授权的贷款再融资. 这种做法包括掠夺性抵押贷款, 发薪日贷款, 透支贷款, 过多的信用卡债务, 以及即时退税贷款.

利润= The difference between the costs required to create a product or supply a service that can be bought with it.

校长= 别人愿意借给你多少钱. 也指贷款中仍欠的金额.

资源= 人力资源是指人们自身拥有的资源, 比如工作知识, 技能, 脑力劳动, 动机, 能源. 非人力或外部资源包括金钱、时间和设备.

收益率= 储蓄账户或投资中的钱增长有多快.

返回= 投资的收益,通常以年百分比表示

反向抵押贷款= An arrangement in which a homeowner borrows against the equity in his/her home and receives regular monthly tax-free payments from the lender. 也称为反向年金抵押或房屋净值转换抵押.

循环信贷= 一种无限制的账户,有借贷额度限制,但没有还款时间限制

风险管理= Deliberately and systematically using various strategies for controlling against potential personal or financial loss from pure risks.

风险承受能力= 个人所能承受的不确定性或可能损失的程度.

储蓄= 为短期目标预留的钱.

储蓄帐户= An account you have at a financial institution that helps you accumulate and save 钱 and 赚 interest at the same time.

共享帐户= 信用合作社对储蓄账户的称呼.

股份汇票帐户= 信用合作社对支票帐户的称呼.

社会保障= The federal government’s basic program for providing income when 赚ings are reduced or stopped because of retirement, 或残疾. Income is also provided to families when the working parent(s) dies and underage children are a part of the family.

支出= 将收入用于当期消费

股票= 一种使投资者成为公司部分所有者的投资.

股市= 股票买卖的地方.

税= A compulsory payment by individual/organizations to the government; fees placed on income, 财产, 或者货物来支持政府项目.

金钱的时间价值= 时间之间的关系, 钱, 回报率(利息), 以及它们对收益增长的影响. 时间、金钱和利率越多,在一段时间结束时产生的钱就越多.

旅行支票= a form of check that can be used to obtain cash; the buyer of the traveler's check pays a specific dollar amount to acquire these checks, 哪些是由旅行支票发行者以标准化的包发行的. 支票是开给个人或公司的,并由开支票的人签名. 通常这些都带有防止丢失或被盗的保护措施. 旅行支票发行者通常在出售这些工具时收取费用.

可变费用= 不固定的费用.

希望= 一个人想拥有但不是生活必需品的东西. 可以提高生活质量的物品、活动或服务,但没有它们也可以生活.

累积财富的= Increasing the total value of what one owns; one’s tangible assets using strategies to increase savings and personal asset accumulation, 从而促进个人/家庭的经济福祉和财政安全.

扣缴= 雇主从雇员的收入中扣除以支付雇员的税款.

收益率= 投资的利润.